Sunday, July 24, 2011

2 Keepers- an Awesome Juicing Day

When it comes to making "Keeper" recipes... well, it helps when you've just gone to the grocery.

Last night I picked up a variety of ingredients for the next few days.  I learned a lot last week, and made varied choices in limited quantities, to ensure freshness and stave off boredom.

The juices made today were particularly delicious.  My sister and I assembled them together-- think of the old adage "two heads are better than one".  She suggested things that I wouldn't normally do, and I did the same.  The results are these two awesome recipes that I think you will make again and again.

Morning Eye Opener

Approx 1/2 Mango
couple chunks pineapple
handful spinach
3 apples
2 clementine oranges
6 carrots
small handful parsley
bunch of cilantro stems
cinnamon and nutmeg (optional)
coconut water

900 ml juice, 100 ml coconut water: 1000 ml

(2 full servings)
Particularly delicious blend. 

Sunshine in a Glass
'cuz that's what it tastes like
1/2 bunch of kale
4 celery stalks
5 carrots
1 apple
½ small beet
1 lemon, including skin
½ jalapeƱo
¼ bunch parsley
⅓ bunch cilantro
2 tomatoes, seasoning to taste
100 ml coconut water

Yield: 1100 ml (2 servings)


  1. Would love to try these but the photos are covering up how much of each ingredient to use. Would it be possible to see the whole recipes please. :)

  2. Quantities are specifically listed next to the photos here in a separate column- I didn't realize there was an overlap in some browsers! I will see about alternate posting of these recipes.
